Our Services



Our team is available to assist with your tax compliance needs both in France and in the United States. We take the time to understand your situation and can assist you to complete all necessary tax return filings, including US individual and/or business returns, French individual returns, wealth tax declarations, and French rental property income reports.

Our team works to ensure you have peace of mind to that your tax filings will be handle in a professional manner with the full knowledge that we are working to best reduce your tax charges.

Please complete our short survey to find out how we can help you save money.



We strive to become an integral member of your team and work with you to ensure that your tax and legal obligations both in France and the United States are completed in the best possible manner. Our team and our network can assist with your needs. Once we understand your individual requirements, we can help you comply.

Please complete our short survey to find out how we can help you save money.



Behind on your US tax filings? Did not realize that you were required to file US tax returns or Reports of Foreign Bank Account Forms? Hadida Tax Advisors can help you navigate coming back into compliance with the US tax authorities. This includes the filing of 3 years of back tax returns, 6 years of Report of Foreign Bank Accounts and a streamline Certification. The Hadida Tax Advisors team will help make this process as painless and seamless as possible.

Please complete our short survey to find out how we can help you save money.